The Point of Christmas, Wonder, Awe, Ongoing Interactions, Fellowship with God

What’s The Real Meaning of Christmas Again?

What’s the real meaning of Christmas? The real meaning, of course, is that Jesus was born to save us from our sins, but save us for what?

My daughter had a baby a few years ago. When I arrived and met baby Abigail, I didn’t know much about her. I knew her name and her parents. 

I knew some general things about babies and the ways babies might respond. But I didn’t know Abigail.

As I spent time with Abigail, I began to learn more about her. I learned how she liked to be held, what kind of bounce she preferred, and how she would not take a pacifier.

But I still didn’t know all there is to know about her. As time passed, I continued to spend time with her and learn more.

Our relationship changed a bit as she grew from a newborn, to a toddler, to a young girl. 

As a baby, I snuggled and rocked her to sleep. Now, as an 8-year-old, we still snuggle, but we read together and talk about the deep things in her life.

With her development physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually, etc., our relationship continues to grow in different ways with new experiences and new wonder.

Likewise, we continue to know God by our continued experiences with Him. 

As we grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, our relationship with God grows with new wonder, and we have new experiences together.

Isn’t this the meaning of Christmas as well?

Our Creator Father, who has desired to dwell with His children since Eden, came in flesh so that we could spend time with Him and get to know Him better?

Of course He came to save us FROM our sins, but save us FOR what?

He saved us to be WITH Him, to spend time with Him, to get to know Him (and share this good news of course)!

So, no matter how much we think we know about God already, we have not scratched the surface in coming to know Him in the depth He desires.

Of course, we can know general things about God, but we can only know Him truly by relationship experiences with Him.

We do learn much about Him from the Bible.

However, if all you want to know is the Bible, you must simply study hard and learn from teachers who know the Bible.

But, if you want to know God deeply and intimately, you must have ongoing personal interactions with Him.

You must talk to Him, ask Him questions, consult Him in day-to-day life situations, and listen. There is no other way!

Ongoing interactions is THE KEY to a growing deeper relationship with God!

Ongoing interactions is THE KEY to spiritual growth!

The Real Meaning of Christmas is That God Wants Ongoing Fellowship With You!

How to Develop Ongoing Fellowship Interactions With God

Paul instructs believers not to “set” their minds on earthy, fleshly things but on things that are above, heavenly, Godly things (Rom 8:5; Col 3:2).

At different times all throughout our day, we can turn our hearts toward God and think of Him and behold His goodness.

In Philippians 4:8 again he says, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is [lovable and gracious] lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, [ponder] dwell on these things.”

Our Creator Father wants us to be curious and notice the wonder of His nature!

And we can train our hearts and minds to think about Him and ponder His ways.

Then we can turn those pondering thoughts into observations, thanksgiving, praise, and yes, even questions.

God is not afraid of our questions! He wants us to come to Him with our questions, disappointments, fears, and anxieties! Because He wants to be the answer!

This is the whole point of Christmas: He wants to be with you! He wants to be with me!

Then we develop ongoing fellowship interactions.

The only way I continue to know my granddaughter is to have ongoing interactions with her. We are still learning and growing in our relationship together.

Just as Abby and I went from playing blocks to Barbies to video games, we as children of God also grow in our experiences with our Lord.

We can continue to learn more about our Creator Father and love Him more deeply by turning to Him throughout our day.

For knowing God is a continual process of discovery and delight, of communing and conversing with Him in ongoing interactions.

Action Steps to Realize the Real Meaning of Christmas: 

In conclusion, here are 5 easy ideas, even if you are busy, that will help you develop ongoing interactions with our amazing Lord! Remember to ask for help and trust His goodness.

  1. Find small times during your day to turn your heart to think exclusively on Jesus. You can think on a Scripture, Christian music, a picture of Him in your mind, a prayer phrase, the cross, the empty tomb, or something that helps focus your mind on Jesus. Use time in the car or the shower, or lunchtime, or a few minutes with morning coffee, or a few minutes before bed.
  2. Deliberately take five minutes out of a day, or one minute out of every sixty to think on Him. It is good to focus on something for which you are grateful.
  3. Put a reminder in your phone app to remind you to set your mind on things above—on Jesus!
  4. Put a rubber band on your wrist to remind you to stop for a minute and think on Him. 
  5. Make a habit to think your last thoughts before sleep and the first thoughts when waking about Christ.

My Prayer for Your Spiritual Growth: Dear Lord, I ask you to enable and strengthen these readers to pursue you wholeheartedly. I ask that you draw them close to you. Comfort and heal all the secret places in their heart that would shy away from Your presence. Stir their desire and awaken their spiritual senses to receive all the glorious adventures in Your kingdom! Open their hearts to more of Your love. Provide all that they need according to Your riches in glory! Bless them and their families this Christmas! Amen!

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